Welcome to the Inspiring Science Education International Summer Academy
The aim of the Inspiring Science Education International Summer Academy is to support the modernisation of Science education and training, including in curricula, assessment of learning outcomes and the professional development of teachers and trainers, and to the wide adoption of the recommendations of the Rocard Report "A new Pedagogy for the Future of Europe" (Rocard et al., 2007), that sets the basics for the introduction of the Inquiry Based approach in the science curricula of the Member States. The teachers will not only be familiarized with a unique collection of open digital educational resources, but they will also be trained to link them with innovative pedagogical practices, such as using real world learning activities, implementing resource based and project-based approaches, in order to design educational scenarios by repurposing existing eLearning tools. The offered resources and tools, although associated with a broad range of curriculum areas, do not impose a fixed curriculum but support a model that can be customized based on location and culture, as well as cross-disciplinary situations, being thus ideal to be used in the European context for differentiated instruction. Teachers will also be trained to appropriately select and exploit freely available existing eLearning tools and resources in their educational scenarios that suit their own needs in terms of planning, implementing and sharing pedagogical ideas, managing their classroom and organizing the curriculum. This will further empower them to create effective project scenarios to use in the classroom, as well as in multiple environments such as face-to-face, online and other technology mediated learning. Such a comprehensive open learning networks approach that allows teachers to access their colleagues' course materials, share their own and collaborate is expected to enable all stakeholders to examine their own practices in the light of the best performing approaches. The Inspiring Science Education International Summer Academy is part of the ongoing effort to establish a European Science Education Academy which is supported by the European Physical Society (EPS).
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Presentation of the European Science Education Academy: |